Click here to download this Chinese calendar (.swf)

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Going over

We are waiting for you! Don't be shy!


Thursday, April 21, 2005

Count down

Only one week away from now, you will come to this new world, surrounded by loves from all around. Are you anxious? Are you ready?

We can't help dreaming about you in the night.

Love u,

Saturday, April 09, 2005

Street Fair

April 9, 2005. A beautiful day outside. We went out for the International Street Fair hosted by the Cranwell International Center @ VT. Check it out!
1. Street 1

2. Street 2

3. PRC

4. Taiwan

5. Egypt

6. Philippines

7. Brazil

8. Library

9. Drill Field

Friday, April 08, 2005


[from m-w online]
Pronunciation: 'A-pr&l
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Old French & Latin; Old French avrill, from Latin Aprilis
: the 4th month of the Gregorian calendar

[another source]
四月的另一种说法是来自于拉丁语Avril意为“之后”、“第二”,因在凯撒之前的古罗马历法中,每年的第一个月份是三月。九月September、十月 October、十一月November和十二月December也分别来自于拉丁语Sptem、Octo、Novem和Decem,分别意为 “seven、eight、nine、ten”。

Thursday, April 07, 2005

Child birth class

We went to the child birth class in MRH last weekend. 2 days, full 8 hours. We learned some useful stuff from that class. Besides that, the hardware and the environment of the hosptical really impressed me.

This was the second time we went to MRH ( the first time was for the breast feeding class). There was no bad smells at all, which I believe every hosptical in China has. We were given a tour in the child birth center. Single room for each mom. Every room has jacuzzi, refrig, cable and etc. Yep, looks like a hotel room! (They do provide room service! No kidding.)

True! They do charge you a lot for the services. But it's better than "hidden fees", such as HongBao, that you have to pay in China. Plus, at least I can see where the money goes.

At the end of the class, they gave us a child birth certificate. Very nice!

Well there is a long way to go for people's medicare in China.
