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Monday, August 01, 2005

Three days from three months old, lesson three

On Aug 4, Apil is going to be three months old. In Chinese, three not only means three, sometimes it means many also. A lot of Chinese idioms has the character "three". Like "one" and "two", "three" in Chinese has a very simple and straight forward form

Pronunciation: /san/
Meaning: number three

Three straight lines: the middle one is the shortest, the top one is longer, and the bottom one is the longest. Three is no rules or requirements that the top line must be how much longer than the middle one or the bottom one must be how much longer than the top one. As long as it's balanced and looks beautiful, then it's fine.

Chinese is not that hard, right? One straight line is "one", "two" is two lines, and "three" is three lines. So what about "four", "five", ... "thousand", and "ten thousand"? ;-)


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